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The Best Choice

Abide thou with me, fear not: for he that seeketh my life seeketh thy life; but with me thou shalt be in safeguard. 1 Samuel 22:23 KJV

We can choose to thank God for where we are at this moment in time. Be sure that there is a good purpose for your life and the path that you are on. The journey can be an experience of living in joy and peace

There is a reason to bloom Trust the one who created the flowers to help you live a fragrant life!

“Let us then look on our relationships with the light of love guiding our decisions, responses and reactions each day. Living with forgiveness in our hearts and wisdom in our minds gives a liberty and peace to face each new season with confidence and enthusiasm.
The wilderness is not your final destination; it’s only a pit stop. You are going to come out of it better and transformed. We all have unexpeected reserves of strength inside of us that emerges when life puts us to the test. You can do the impossible because you have been through the unimaginable. A strong person is the one who cries and sheds a tear for a moment then gets themselves up and perseveres. We all know that life is ten per cent what happens to you and ninety per cent how you respond.” (Thema Nyamukondiwa  from The Wilderness: The Journey Is More Important Then The Destination)

Distancing yourself from people you care about that hurt you can be devastating.
In a sense, it feels like a death as you are waking up from a dream that you must admit was not as real as you wished. You wanted it to be different, but can’t keep jumping into that drowning pool. Being trapped underneath the surface of reality with no fresh air and slowly feeling the air bubbles escaping from your body with each lie or disrespecful action you must react to, will suffocate you.

Stay afloat

Don’t fall for the trap of thinking that you need a wrong relationship so much that you hobble down a destructive path. You don’t need the crutch that is really slowing you down and distracting you from the true purpose and goals connected to accomplishing God’s plan for your life.

Dail back on those unhealthy activities that are just too much for too little in return. 

When an individual doesn’t feel good about where their relationship has gone, it is best to choose God’s plan and deny the urge to give in to the wishes of others who do not respect your convictions.  The same applies to others who say one thing until they get what they wantand then deny or ignore the original plan, agreement or expectation. Choose not to victimize yourself by ignoring the facts about what has happened and don’t validated inappropriate responses that threaten your self worth. Hope will be dashed, and God will be dishonored if you give up on what is right and true out of desperation to hang on to a relationship that fails to protect your values, hurts your personal testimony, and makes you deny the importance of your faith.
Don’t let unbridled urges turn into obsessions that totally disconnect you from those who care about you.

As the Bible says, the heart can be desperately wicked and deceitful new emotions and memories to deepen your involvement in these harmful relationships.

God wants better things for you. He loves you!

“God has made us for Himself, and our hearts can never know rest and perfect satisfaction until they find it in Him.” -Hannah Hurnard

 ● Sometimes the shephard breaks the straying lambs leg so that it will not go too far out of his boundaries. It is hobbled but it is protected in this manner. That is part of his correction. The better choice is to turn back before that happens.

● Be genuine and be happy with doing what is right no matter what others do or think.

● Reality with God is always better than believing in a false dream that requires you to lower your standards and swallow your misgivings in order to keep it alive.

● Be brave. Be bold. Be loved in the right fashion and look at relationships from God’s perspective

● Make the best choices!

“Love opens the eyes of our understanding and enables us to see more of the truth than can those who are blinded by self-love. … “It is better to go stumbling, and weeping, and crawling like a worm along the way of love, than to give up and choose some other way.” — Hannah Hurnard

Make right choices!

Do not be distracted by pitfalls and roadblocks. Deal with the cons; but, do not give up on your worthwhile goals or lose motivation when things change in a way that it seems you lose what you believed in. Countless individuals who claim to love the Lord forfeit the treasures awaiting in the perfect plan of God for a lesser existence. Seek good and positive desires that lead to a more perfect end on the best path.

  • Suggested Reading
  • The Wilderness: The Journey Is More Important Than The Destination by Thema Nyamukondiwa
  • Walking Among the Unseen by Hannah Hurnard
  • Beautiful Warrior: Finding Victory Over the Lies Formed Against You by Tina Yeager

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